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LUDICA - Conferences and Scholarships 2023


Members of the LUDICA laboratory presented at the INSAR conference held from May 3 to 6, 2023, at Stockholmsmassan in Sweden. The annual INSAR conference facilitates the exchange and dissemination of advances in autism research among different researchers and their students.

LUDICA also participated in the 45th Annual Conference of the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie, which took place from May 26 to May 28, 2023, in Sherbrooke. The SQRP aims to promote research in psychology across all its areas of specialization.

You can find the program for these events at the following links:


Catherina Lacelle received an undergraduate research initiation scholarship from the Fonds de recherche société et culture du Québec for the summer of 2023.

Agnès Éthier, Katarina Sotelo, and Amira Merabtine have been awarded a scholarship from the Institut universitaire en déficience intellectuelle et en spectre de l’autisme (DI-TSA) for the academic year 2023-2024.


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