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About Us.

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The Social, Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience Group (SC2NG), directed by Dr Caroline Blais, brings together twelve researchers from the UQO whose research themes are integrated into the field of social neuroscience.

The expertise of our group focuses on the fundamental visual mechanisms involved in social decision-making, the impact of socio-cultural factors on visual perception and perception of pain, the role of hormones and sleep in social interactions and the impact of neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder) on children's social relationships.


The diversity of the group members' expertise enables collaborations on projects involving several distinct research areas (e.g. hormones and emotions, ethnic prejudices and sleep, parental neglect, hormones and stress, culture and pain) including both fundamental and clinical components. The team uses a variety of methods, including psychophysics, eye movement recording, hormonal measurements and several biopsychological measurements.

Take part in our studies

Help advance knowledge in the field of social neuroscience by taking part in studies conducted by the members of the SC2NG!

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