The laboratory on delinquency and sexuality at the Université du Québec en Outaouais is a place where research activities revolve around the themes of delinquency and sexuality. Although some projects focus exclusively on one theme or the other, the majority of the research conducted in the laboratory focuses on phenomena combining sexuality and delinquency, namely sexual delinquency and coercive sexual behavior. Thus, the laboratory's mission is to contribute to the updating of the knowledge surrounding sexual coercion and the risk factors associated with it. Precisely, we focus our research on the study of an adult population having commission of sexual acts of coercive nature, whether judicially or not.

Dominique Trottier
Research Interests
Forensic psychology
Sexual coercion
Sexual delinquency and pedophilia
Favourable attitudes towards sexual violence
Risk evaluation of sexual and violent recidivism
Significant work
Trottier, D., Nolet, K., Benbouriche, M., Bonneville, V., Racine-Latulippe, F., & Bergeron, S.
(2021). Sexual Coercion Perpetration and Victimization: Providing Prevalence Rates for Understudied Populations. Violence and Gender. Advance online publication:
Bonneville, V., & Trottier, D. (2021). Gender differences in Sexual Coercion
Perpetration: Investigating the Role of Alcohol-Use and Cognitive Risk Factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication:
Trottier, D. & LeBlanc, C. (2020). French Validation of the Pornography Consumption Inventory (FR-PCI). Sexologies. Advance online publication:
Trottier, D., Benbouriche, M., Bonneville, V., & Noorishad, P.-G. (2020). Adhésion aux mythes du viol et coercition sexuelle chez les étudiant(e)s universitaires : une revue systématique de la littérature. Psychologie Canadienne. Advance online publication.
Trottier, D., Benbouriche, M., LeBlanc, C., & Bonneville, V. (2020). Validation française de l’Échelle révisée d’Adhésion aux Mythes du Viol (FR-IRMA). Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. 52 (2), 171-176.
Trottier, D., Benbouriche, M., & Bonneville, V. (2019). A Meta-Analysis on the association between Sexual coercion and Rape Myth acceptance. Journal of sex Research. 58 (3).
Trottier, D., Goyette, M., & Benbouriche, M., Renaud, P. Rouleau, J-L. Bouchard, S. (2019). Using virtual reality with child sexual offenders: Assessing deviant sexual interests. Dans Rizzo, Skip et Bouchard, Stéphane (Eds), Virtual Reality Technologies for Health and Clinical Applications: Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions. Éditions Springer. 32 p.